Convergent thinking does not have to be a negative strategy. There may not be an answer to your question in every situation. However, students will be able to solve problems creatively and more effectively if they are taught divergent thinking instead of its convergent counterpart. Did you ever study hard for an exam only to have your mind go blank Autism Psychologist Perth when the exam starts? Perhaps your brain is occupied with anxious thoughts about what you might do wrong and how to avoid it. Perhaps your heart rate is racing and you feel faint. This is likely exam anxiety.
Stress is a common reaction to sitting for exams. A small amount of stress can actually make you more productive. Exam anxiety is a different matter. It refers to anxiety that is so severe and distressing about exams that it can be debilitating. This could even interfere with your performance. Exam anxiety is intense fear that you will experience during and before an exam. J.P. Guilford, an American psychologist, is often credited for inventing the terms divergent and convergent thinking. He did this back in 1956. Sometimes, the former is called lateral thinking. Edward de Bono, a renowned Maltese author, is often credited for coining this term in 1967.
What is divergent thinking? Divergent thinking is a way to use the mind in creative, free-flowing ways in order to solve a problem or find multiple solutions. Divergent thinking involves “thinking outside the box” and tends toward spontaneous and free-flowing ideas. Divergent thinking is an effective strategy to solve many problems. The most popular method of divergent thinking among groups is brainstorming. Divergent thinking’s foundation is its ability to create a seemingly infinite number of possible solutions.
Modern-day divergent thinking can be seen in the open-ended questions that are sent to social media followers. Isla, for example, is a skilled room decorator who has a large YouTube audience. She asks her viewers what color is best to decorate their living rooms. She gets thousands of responses and creates follow up videos that are related.
Convergent thinking is at the other end of the spectrum. It involves examining a problem and trying to find a finite number or one solution. This type of thinking emphasizes efficiency, logic and quick results, rather than free-flowing thoughts. The thought process is less prone to wandering in many directions and more linear. This thinking tends to be more focused on certainty than a broad range of options.
Although it is not always true, it is worth considering that extroverts tend toward divergent thinking while introverts prefer convergent. This does not necessarily make one type of thinking superior to the other. Both are distinct styles and each have their place in viable thinking methods. Divergent thinking can be applied in real-life situations. Walt Disney’s Imagineers are a group of people who have created new attractions and rides over the years. Their unique seven-step “Experience by Design”, collaborative approach to the team involves their unique seven step process